Friday, April 10, 2009

The Lord has done great things for us.....

And we are filled with joy. Psalm 126:3

This is my newest favorite verse! It rings so true and reminds me of all the wonderful blessings I have to be grateful for. Together, Patrick and I have had many challenges this past year and we have become a stronger, healthier, and more faithful couple because of it! How wonderful to chat with your husband about your bible studies and to quote scripture together. And I feel wonderful knowing that everything is in His hands!

For Easter I have received the greatest gift ever. The Life Application Bible and it is AMAZING to read. I never thought that I would say that!! It tells you all about each chapter. The setting, audience it was written for, author, time lines, purpose, and key verses! And the best part is that is also decodes the writing for you. Which is especially great for those of us that sometimes have a hard time understanding the verses.

SO, with that being said I have scheduled my appointment for my next tattoo!! It will be this bible verse and Patrick's birth month flower, which is a gladiolus! I go today to work with the artist for the design and I go on the 21st to actually get it!! I am beyond excited and can't wait to see how it looks when it is done! I will be sure to post pictures! And before any of you give me a hard time I just have to say that this is who I am. I know that tattoo's aren't for everyone but I enjoy them the way some people enjoy expensive dinners, shoes, or purses. And they remind me daily of the struggles and blessings in my life!

This is my first tattoo. (AFTER HAVING HAD A BABY) It was after Patrick's first time "away" and represent's freedom and life! It is also located on the hip I broke while in basic training!!

This is my second one! It is Colin's birth month flower. A Daffodil stands for joy and rebirth. It shows the coming of spring and the many blessings that are in store for the up coming season's! I got this one on my left inter wrist. When Colin was just a baby I always carried him in my left arm to get things done with my right!

When I get my next one I will be sure to post pictures!! Where I am getting it will just have to be a surprise! :)

I hope that everyone has a WONDERFUL Good Friday and Easter. I am really looking forward to having an Easter egg hunt and feast here at our home on Saturday, Church on Sunday with our fantastic neighbors, and dinner with there family later!! I hope that all of you have someone special to share this wonderful holiday with!! Blessings!