Saturday, November 22, 2008

Wonderfully Unexpected Day!

Today was nothing that I had wanted yet it was WONDERFUL! I had expected a traditional Thanksgiving Day meal. Last year we had a great time at the Turkey Bowl (food followed by flag football) and I was really excited! But, Patrick got stuck working ALL day because of someone else's oversight! What can you say? Besides "Damn It, That sucks?".

So, today when Colin and I were eating breakfast I decided to call my great friend Desi. Desi is expecting her second child and hasn't had the easiest pregnancy. Not to mention her son is a vibrant, energetic, LOUD, and busy five year old boy. I offered to help her out and watch him for the day to give her a bit of a break. Instead she asks if I would like to come along to a mutual friends daughters birthday party. I agree and I know we will trade roles a bit for the day. How many big prego ladies do you see skating around? And how many 20 month old babies do you see with skates on?

We ended up having a great time. Her son LOVED skating and Colin got the chance to run around and play with lots of other kids. She and I both couldn't have done it without the other and I am grateful to have had her help today. I am also grateful for a glimpse of what life will be like when my baby boy is older.

So, although today wasn't the Turkey Bowl with all the trimmings it was still a fantastic day with roller skating, McDonald's, laughter, and great friends. Good times!

Also, I would like to say "Thank You" to all of you who left me comments. I hope that in time I will get to know all of you better!! Reading every ones personal thoughts is a bit weird and this is going to take some time to get used to!! Not to mention I don't really know what to say that can compare to your stories of births, deaths, living abroad, and humiliation!! Give me time and I am sure I will get the hang of it!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

So, the reason I have decided to start a blog is as follows:

1. My sister, who I want to stay close with, has one also. I hope this will help us share all of life's crazy moments with each other!! I hope I am HALF as witty as she is....I mean that in a good way! Being across the country from you is harder than words can describe!

2. My Husband is in a job at this current moment that takes him away from home. I hope that through this blog I will be able to share pictures, thoughts, and the daily trials of Motherhood with him! Our son Colin is growing at the speed of light...I don't want him to miss anything!

3. To rant and say the things that sometimes are hard to say to others. Although I am best known as a person who NEVER holds back my true feelings.

4. I am trying to better myself. I have a journal that I enjoy writing in and I hope that this will be have the same effect. Personal growth comes from self reflection!

5. To make you laugh....either at me or with me!

If your reading this and become a "follower" of what I have to say, God bless you! More to come as I learn how to work this wacky, creative outlet!!